Zerin Likes
Zerin Likes is a senior at Brigham Young University majoring in Art with minors in Korean, Art History, and Chemistry. She enjoys bookbinding, printmaking, and film photography. She loves to spend her free time with family and friends, watching shows or going on walks. She hopes to become an art conservator and one day publish her own book.
Our Books
Ben Wise and the Purple Dragon
A Home For Merriweather
& Alison Stephen
The Thousand Deaths of Number 13 Book 002
by Happy Baker
The Mat and the Cat
Cookie Cutter Design Book One
Laurel and Red
Flock of Cranes
Panic and the Happy Thought
The Dragon in The Tree
Corporate Fish and the Green Goo
The Thousand Deaths of Number 13 Book 001
by Happy Baker
Quest for the Momma Violin
Jacob Doesn't Read: The Flying Aardvark
Creating Your Picture Book Dummy
Furry Caterpillars
Pants On My Head